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Happy Anniversary To Us

Today is a significant date, to us. June 23 is the day we sold our house in Vermont and began living in our 1977 Argosy 24 full-time! We bought the current Airstream in October, and began documenting our travels at that time.

So we've been full-timers for a year now. (Feel free to send anniversary cards with checks, or valuable pieces of jewelry to PO Box 74, Ferrisburg VT 05456.) ;-)

So, a status report: In case it wasn't obvious, everyone continues to do well. We still have no firm date for discontinuing our travels. What began as a "six or seven month" trip has evolved into a lifestyle that we all really enjoy. Homeschooling has gone very well. We have weathered several minor crises and figured out how to make everything work for everyone, emotionally, physically, financially, and logistically -- most of the time.

In short, life "on the road" agrees with us. The major change we expect will be a slowing-down of our travels next winter. Part of our mission has been to explore new places we'd like to live, or at least spend more time. Having crossed the country three times so far, we now have a short list of places we'd like to re-visit and spend weeks or months next winter. But we'll still continue to go back to Vermont regularly, and maintain it as our home base.

Terry posted a comment on our "Bend, OR" blog entry a couple of days ago, asking about the rumor regarding Project Vintage Lightning. The word is out on the Internet that Matthew McConaughey will be our client on this project. He already owns one Airstream, an International CCD 28, but he has purchased our 1952 Airstream Cruiser and the rebuilding and customizing process will be documented in Airstream Life magazine over the next several issues. We are all looking forward to it, as Matthew is a great guy and looks to be a lot of fun to work with.

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George Sutton giving Eleanor a tour of the new service building

Last night we camped in the dealer lot at George M Sutton RV in Eugene. George gave us a tour of his new service center, opening across the street. The new service center isn't ready yet but it's definitely a huge upgrade, with lots of indoor service area, courtesy parking, staging areas, a retail store, etc. Then we met up with our friend Dan Patch for dinner. He'll be catching up with us at the International Rally on Monday.

It's been too long since I posted a Sign of the Week, so here's one for you. Spotted on the ferry near Little Talbot Island State Park, in Jacksonville FL.

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"Matthew McConaughey will be our client on this project."

Alright, alright, alright!

Congratulations! We just celebrated a year on the road too!

Some day we should cross paths...

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