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Fourth of July, Salem OR

This is our last day at the International Rally ...

It has been a fine summer day in all respects. Brett, Rich C and I worked the Flea Market in the morning. Brett and I had a successful time selling Airstream Life magazines and other things, while outside thunderstorms rumbled by.

Then in the afternoon, the weather turned fair, breezy, and warm -- ideal for us to get organized for our next roadtrip. We cleared out a lot of excess junk in the car and trailer, organized a few things, and re-packed all the toys, including the new Birdy bikes. (They fit very well in the Armada's storage area with tons of room to spare.)

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Robert blows bubbles for Emma, from his bike

Many people have departed the rally grounds already. This left plenty of empty sites near us, so Robert towed his Airstream "Pearl" over, Adam drove the C-Stream over, and Carol B showed up in her new 2007 Airstream Classic Limited 27FB, too. Rich C was already here. So we were all parked together this evening.

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Steak, chicken, sausages, grilled asparagus, salad, guacamole, and more tonight!

Eleanor and Susan have been planning a Fourth of July barbecue for everyone. The whole gang attended for a final night together, before we disperse. Brett will be heading back home via air, Robert will be heading south into Oregon to meet his family, and Carol, Rich C, Adam, Susan and us will be caravanning east.

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The festivities are still going on as I type this at nearly 11 p.m. All around us, fireworks are popping. We've been singing along to the Trailer Park Troubadours on the iPod, blowing bubbles in the wind, and telling hysterical stories. It's a night that defines summer. I hope you had a good Fourth too.

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Adam and Susan admire the sunset, with Emma crowding in

Tomorrow, we leave for a campground in southeast Washington state, on our way to Bigfork, MT.


Hey Rich, Did I miss it? What was the end result about a name change?
Looks like you're having a better time after the rally than during. Mark

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