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Friends in the bunkhouse

Friends are starting to arrive for little drop-ins this week. Today our old buddies from Vergennes, Elisa and John, showed up with their daughter. They don't live in Vermont any more and neither do we, but we are meeting up here anyway, since we all like to be here in the summer.

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Elisa and John have a special honor. They were with us on our very first weekend out in our first Airstream, back in August 2003. They don't have any sort of camping equipment, so we lent them a tent and of course it poured all night long. We felt a bit guilty in our comfortable 1968 Airstream Caravel, listening to the rain on the aluminum roof, while they were in our old tent.

Amazingly they are still our friends despite that experience. This time they'll spend the night in the Airstream bunkhouse with us. There's plenty of room for all six of us. I think they'll be a lot more comfortable.

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Emma has been catching all sorts of creatures lately. Japanese Beetles are a favorite for their iridescent gold color, but she's also caught tiny leopard frogs, and a big fat toad. She has mastered a technique for rubbing their tummies to calm them. I don't know where she learns these things...

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