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We had another Airstream couple drop in this week: Adam and Susan. They've got the prototype Airstream Class C (the only one made), and love to drive it everywhere. They spent one night at the same campground as us before heading on.

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Walking through Vergennes, Adam encountered one of those priceless moments of Americana: a little kid with a lemonade stand. The pink lemonade Adam bought from this budding entrepreneur ($0.50 per cup) served not only him but a nearby flamingo. Now you know where they get the pink color!

July has at last arrived -- three weeks late. We are getting the classic Vermont summer weather now, with sunny, warm, humid days that gradually build into thunderstorms and then re-start with fresh dry air. I've finally felt the need to put out the Airstream's awning, which is the first time I've done that since Lake Mead in Nevada. Every evening we all gather at the rocky shore of Lake Champlain for swimming, boating, fishing, gabbing, whatever. The program is different every night but the general idea is the same: enjoy the warm nights of summer while we can.

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And afterward, what better way to wrap up the evening than with a visit to the local "creemee" stand? Emma's choice was Cookies-n-Cream ice cream dipped in Cherry sauce. It sounded horrible but I tried it and it wasn't bad at all. But I'll stick with one of my favorites: Vermont Maple with Walnuts.

A blog reader emailed me this week to say that I never appear in the blog myself. That's because I'm the guy with the camera most of the time. But if you hunt through the archives you'll find a few shots of me, and even one or two of all of us together.

Still, not to disappoint those who just can't get enough of my face ... here's a bonus shot from last February when I was at the Florida State Rally. Every time I catch a cold my nose gets all red ...

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Rich with Obie the Clown


Hi, Rich,
We saw the Class C at the factory in April while getting some work done on our Safari. The guide said it belonged to a couple from Texas, and they were to pick it up soon. I thought it looked great, but the guide said the cost was prohibitive to production. I admire Airstream's exploratory nature. We have seen many of the 5th-wheels made by Airstream in Michigan while visiting.
You must have a doozy of a cold!!!!

awwwww... I wondered how flamingos got their pink color!

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