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Leaving Capitola CA

One small risk of roaming around with no set plans is that occasionally you have to move on before you'd like to. Our plan was to stay in Capitola tonight and move the Airstream tomorrow morning to a place nearby for storage. But we were paying daily for this campsite and someone else had it reserved for tonight. The rest of the sites in this campground are booked too, so we need to pack up and move on by 12:30 pm. We've decided to go over to a parking lot near a laundromat, do some laundry, and then set up at the storage place tonight. We'll boondock there and hit the road tomorrow, heading toward the Ontario (CA) airport.

It's going to be a nasty shock traveling without the Airstream for a couple of days, to and from the airport. I just checked hotels in Paso Robles, CA, which was where planned to crash for the night on Saturday. But the Holiday Inn Express is $142/night ... a bit more than the $0-25 we would have spent camping. I keep forgetting how expensive travel is if you always stay in hotels!


Don't say "crash!" :-0

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