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Boulder Tea, Party

I have been struggling between the obligations of work and the attractions of Denver. On Friday, I weakened and took most of the day off to join Eleanor and Emma at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. They had an exhibit called "Grossology" that Emma desperately wanted to see. As you can imagine, it was all about snot, burping, farting, and other fun stuff. Here I am standing explaining the function of intestines, by a sign that says, "Why does my body make pee?" Gee, why didn't they have this sort of fun when I was a kid?


The Museum has much more to offer, and we found ourselves entranced by terrific exhibits of Coloradoan wildlife, as well as creatures from other parts of the world, a Native American exhibit, a gemstone exhibit, and a space exhibit. Well worth the visit!

Unfortunately taking the day off meant working all evening, and again this morning in a desperate effort to get ahead before we take off next week for more travel. We'll be in Utah and Nevada most of the week and I won't be taking a lot of time to work. My next catch-up period will be when we arrive at Velocity7 in Nevada City, CA (see the Schedule page for details).

Forrest McClure dropped by this morning to deliver an article and pictures for the Winter magazine, and then it was time to head out to pick up Fred Coldwell and head over to Boulder. Our first stop was the Celestial Seasonings factory for their tour. That was a HUGE hit with Eleanor. Fred, Emma, and I all enjoyed the free samples in their entrance area. You haven't lived until you've visited the notorious MINT ROOM. Another recommended place to visit, and free!

Celestial Seasonings.jpg

Then we headed to Patti Raimondo's house in Boulder CO for a party the local Airstreamers had organized in our honor. Shari & Rob Davis were there, and another couple -- all vintage trailer owners from the local WBCCI unit in Denver. That went until 10 pm (lots of laughs!)

Boulder dinner.jpg

...and so here we are at midnight catching up on blogging.

I'm really glad we came to Denver. It's a great area to visit, we have lots of good Airstreaming friends here, and the weather and scenery have been spectacular. Our departure on Tuesday is coming all too fast, but we've got other places to go...


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Great to see you guys & have the opportunity to spend some time together last evening! Hope the rest of your travels go smoothly see you next time you pass through Denver if not before!

Shari :)

Rich, always nice to read your whereabouts. You know Denver, Ft.Collins was a favorite of ours. Actually Boulder Ft. Collins was super nice. Progressive with a perfect blend of college and family. The whole state of Colorado made lots of pts. with us. I would consider relocating there if anywhere. Going out for a revisit (airstream in Florida for this one) in December.
Raven attended her first birthday party for a swim partner. Guppy class of course.......
I think Stacy felt a little bad as a mom commented on her surprise that this was a first party for Raven to go to..... Oh well.....full timing has been great. I think seeing the world in 3-D is much unique than seeing clowns at a birthday party anyways! Safe travels:
Doug Stacy Raven Flyer DuKane
Orlando, FL

"On Friday, I weakened and took most of the day off to join Eleanor and Emma at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science."

It's not that you "weakened", you "weekend-ed". Saturday can be any day of the week when you're your own boss. But it can get disorienting ... where's Lewis Carroll when you need him?

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