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Off I-70 near Thompson, UT

Quick entry: we're at a lonely rest area off I-70 near Thompson UT, just taking a quick break. Amazingly Sprint has coverage here so our Internet in Motion box works and I'm taking the 5 minute opportunity to post a quick update.

We spent the morning at Colorado National Monument and took some AMAZING pictures, which I will post soon. What a beautiful place! Huge towering cliffs and red canyons, tunnels, and views that just blow your mind. We loved it.

But now we in Wiley Coyote country, heading into Arches NP (not Dead Horse SP, change of plans), and I don't know if we can get online in the next two days. If you don't hear from us for a bit, that's why.


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Im on your trail!
I think..

Richfield, UT tonight.
Fresno tomorrow.

Be safe!


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