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Emma's first post

(Editor's note: the following is a posting dicated by Emma, age 5.)

Yesterday, we went to a candy shop and there was candy shaped and look like ornaments for your tree. And also there was a taste testing place where you could taste a piece of candy. And there was hundreds of candies.

It was so awesome. Mom even found some candies for her coffee. We missed the tour to see how they make candy.


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What was your favorite candy to taste tested?

I had a lemon stick. It was the only one I tried. We just came over for one taste. The lemon candy tasted kinda of bad. All the outside of the flour made it actually disgusting. When all the outside of the flour was gone it tasted pretty good.

Hey Emma,

Thanks for the story about the candy factory. I wish I could have gone.

Remember when I came to your trailer a couple weeks ago in Chicago? Well, even though I live way over here, I have been to the park where you are staying right now. I went for a ride on the lake in a raft, and got to see great blue herons in the tall grasses. I know you're seeing lots of wildlife too! Have fun.

Wow Emma,

You got to taste test candy and play drums, and dance? Life is so good!

Are you liking your new bunk beds?

Yes I do like the bunk beds. Anyway Adam, we don't have the little net that keeps you from falling out of the bunk. When we got the trailer there wasn't a single net in sight. We even looked at the top bunk. Good bye Adam

Howdy Emma -

The dogs (Sitka, Sienna & Spike) wish they were travelling with you guys! So do Deb and I!

Spike mentioned casually that he would have liked to have helped you with the candy taste testing.

Maybe we will catch up some time this spring?

Zach (& Deb & Sitka & Sienna & Spike & Mah Jong & Domino)

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