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News from Cherry Creek

Another mostly sunny day in dry Denver. The humidity continues to linger below 30%, sometimes as low as 17%, so we are sucking up water at a tremendous rate, despite the cool air. I went for a bike ride the other day (and was reminded about how the altitude makes little hills into big ones), and wiped out 16 oz of water in a short 10-mile ride around the Cherry Creek Dam.

My advance copies of the Airstream Life Fall 2005 issue have arrived, so yours should be in the mail now. I hope you like the new 80-page format and "perfect bound" spine! I'm heading over to Fred Coldwell's house today to pick mine up. They came in FedEx and I couldn't receive a FedEx shipment here at the campground.

Another bit of good news for vintage Airstream nuts: The VAP, Episode 4 is now available for download at www.thevap.com. I'm not on this episode but go ahead and listen to it anyway! ;-)

Something's up with Emma. She was clearing her throat all last night and she's still sleeping now -- 13 hours after she went to bed. I'm holding out hope that she'll fight it off. But she might have picked up a bug at the Aquarium on Tuesday.

We've made our plans for the next week. Check the Schedule page to see where we are planning to be. If you live along our route, let me know so we can meet up. If you can meet us in Eugene OR that would be great, because we'll have free stuff to give away there, including some cool Airstream stickers, free samples of Airstream Life magazine, and other goodies. Plus, Eleanor and I want to meet you!


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