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Council Bluffs, IA

A friend of mine wrote me to say how lucky we were to be in Council Bluffs. Apparently the Union Pacific Railroad Museum is a mecca of sorts for railfans. We didn't have time today to drop in, because of errands, but we did have time to drop in on the local Airstream dealer (Outdoor Recreation Center).

Don Bowerman was a great host for us, while we waited for some systems checks on the new trailer. A long-time Airstreamer and lifetime WBCCI member, Don has retired from a long career in police work and now sells Airstreams. Needless to say, he's got a few stories to share.

Being an Airstreamer, Don naturally invited us to his house for pizza. And being Airstreamers, we of course accepted. (We can't turn down hospitality.)

We'll be sorry to leave Council Bluffs tomorrow, but we need to get out to Denver soon, so we'll be hitting the road tomorrow morning. There's still a chance to see the UP Railroad Museum, but I don't know yet. We'll wing it.


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When in Council Bluffs, I always spend time in prison . . .

Hello Rich -

10 or 15 years ago I found myself in Council Bluffs, IA for a weekend in between two weeks of business travel. While looking for things to do I found the Rotary Prison and I will always make certain that I visit this very interesting little museum each time I visit Council Bluffs!

Designed to allow one prison warden to safely and effectively guard 63 prisoners, this mechanical solution to a social problem has to be seen to be believed.

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