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International Rally, Day Two, Part I

Given that things happen quickly here at the rally, I’m probably going to post more than once a day during the next week if I have a chance. I’ll try to post photos at least once a day.

Last night it was still sunny and over very warm at 9 p.m. We are in the western portion of the Pacific Time Zone, and somewhat north, near the longest day of the year, so sunset is quite late for us. We dared to leave the air conditioning of the trailer for a walk-about, and found that many other people had the same idea. I ran into Jim and Paula Maddox, who I had last seen at the Region 3 Rally in Myrtle Beach. Eleanor and Emma found a 9-year-old girl doing cartwheels on the grass, so Emma quickly made a new friend and stayed out till after 10 p.m. with her, when it was finally dark.

This morning it is much nicer, only in the low 70s. We have all three Fantastic Vents running to bring the cool air from the north side of the trailer in, and it is comfortable without the air conditioning. Today is only supposed to peak in the upper 80s. With all three Fantastic Vents running on low, we’ve got an solid indoor breeze and it feels great.

Since we are parked on a grassy field that was cut apparently a few weeks ago (in the Blue section), we are surrounded by dry hay everywhere. It tracks into the trailer all the time. Many people have raked their areas to try to control it, so there are hay piles around. With all this dry hay around, and a nice breeze, we can’t risk a barbecue, unfortunately.

Rich C just called. He’s in the bullpen awaiting a second chance at getting parked in the 30-amp section. Already he’s getting a bit of a run-around, even though he has a paid receipt for parking in 30-amp. I think we can expect another ranting blog entry from him …

Today should be fairly quiet. There’s nothing of significance on the program, since the rally officially starts on Wednesday. But the vendor areas are open and George M Sutton RV has a huge indoor (air conditioned) display of the new rigs, and I expect to find a lot of people over there. I’ll take pics of the area for posting later tonight.

One Response to “International Rally, Day Two, Part I”

  1. David Morrison Says:

    did the airstream folks repair your door latch as scheduled this morning?

    keep the reports coming Rich! yours is the only regular International Rally report report i can find anywhere on the web. huge thanks for taking time to keep the blog updated.

    finally, any idea when we will hear about the biggest descision to hit the club since it’s inception?