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Moose-less in Yellowstone

A cold light rain is pattering on the aluminum roof tonight. It’ll probably turn to snow in a few hours. We’ve been disconnecting the water line at night and switching to the onboard fresh water tank because of the freezing temperatures. This morning it was partly cloudy, and West Yellowstone warmed up into the low […]

West Yellowstone, MT

We are back in touch with the world, and I have backdated several blog entries from our trip to Yellowstone. Scroll down to see all the new entries (since September 27). Last night’s gentle rain turned into freezing rain and then snow, so that this morning when I opened the curtains I found the world […]

Photo safari in Yellowstone

31 degrees at 8:30 a.m. / -97 amp-hours cumulative (24 amp-hours used overnight) Yesterday a couple known to Bert and Janie through the Outdoor Writer’s Association showed up. Eric and Sue are a photographer/writer team who have been published just about everywhere. Last night Eric showed us some incredible photos he’d captured of a Great […]

Yellowstone National Park

It must have been the excitement of being here, because Eleanor and I were both wide awake at 5 a.m., lying there in our comfortable warm bed while frost covered the bedroom windows, and we could not manage to get back to sleep. I finally got up and fired up the stove to make some […]

Into Yellowstone

We’re back from Yellowstone National Park and I’m backdating a week’s worth of blog entries now that I can once again get online. From the moment you leave Cody, the road begins to climb and the scenery becomes stunningly rugged and fascinating. Even though Yellowstone starts about 40 miles away, it feels as though you’ve […]

Yellowstone National Park, WY

I have to admit that I arrived in Yellowstone with less than the appropriate attitude. Part of it was my fault: I never took the time to research the park before we arrived, and so I was repeatedly surprised by things that I should have expected. As we passed through the North Entrance, I was […]

Going to Yellowstone!

We are heading out this morning to Yellowstone National Park, 100 miles south of here. We’ll probably be unable to blog for a couple of days, because we are staying in the center of the park where only analog phone service exists. Yellowstone has been the subject of a few well-publicized cell phone towers, but […]

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