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Rustic vs. luxurious

We started off slow in Yosemite. On Wednesday morning I got up early and spent the entire morning dawdling over work rather than rushing out and hiking the park. This may seem like a cardinal sin in Yosemite, but I felt like getting some things cleaned up and I was taking advantage of the fact […]

Banff National Park, Alberta Canada

This is the farthest we’ve ever taken this Airstream north ( 51 °11’0.62″N). In mid-October at this latitude, our solar panels still generate some power, but not nearly enough to compensate for the furnace. Nights are running in the low 30s and daytime highs are in the 50s, with the sun passing by at a […]

Bigfork, MT

We’re parked at Bert & Janie’s house in Bigfork, MT, near the beautiful Flathead Lake.   We’re here to catch up on a few things before we head across the border to Canada. Mostly we have an enormous pile of mail to dig through.   Emma’s school curriculum arrived in two large boxes which will […]

Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman MT

The winter storm that has brought us the constant rain and snow the past two days was still with us this morning. Even in Ennis, below 5000 ft, we woke up to snow flurries and threatening gray skies. We debated all morning about the choice between another visit to Virginia City, or driving 59 miles […]

Virginia City, MT

For the next few days we’ll be following Bert & Janie as they research a few spots in Montana for articles they are working on. One of the articles is actually for Airstream Life magazine’s Summer 2008 issue, about things to see and do in Montana. I’m kind of shooting photos over Bert’s shoulder, in […]

Ready, set, charge!

Our admission to the Grizzly and Wolf Discover Center was a two-day ticket, so Emma went back on Tuesday afternoon to join a special kids program.   They let the kids go into the bear habitat (when the bears aren’t there, of course) and hide food under the rocks and stumps for the bears to […]

Grizzlies and wolves

22 degrees at 8:00 a.m. / -107 amp-hours cumulative (40 amp-hours used overnight) We would be leaving the park today but we’ve booked another night. The weather has turned colder now, and we’re expecting some snow overnight. It is starting to feel like winter up here at 7000 feet. Hard to believe it’s just the […]

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