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Working From the Dinette

It has been a working day so we can’t claim any grand adventures, but it has been a beautiful day anyway. The big thing has been that the new Airstream Life store is up and running! I’d appreciate it if you took a look at our early efforts. We’ll be adding a lot more cool stuff to our virtual “shelves” over the next few weeks.

The store has been consuming a lot of my time over the past few months, so it is good to have it finally launched. While I’ve been here working out bugs with our programmer, Eleanor was out shopping for groceries, so I’m expecting a very nice dinner tonight. She said something about spicy chicken coconut curry. (She was watching the Food Network all the way back from Vermont on those seatback TVs Jet Blue has. Thank you Jet Blue!)

But dinner won’t be ready for a couple of hours, so I’m going to head out with Brett and check out digital cameras at the local Best Buy. He dropped in this afternoon and brought his laptop & cell phone, so the two of us have been working from the dinette, both using the high-speed Internet from our campground. (I think he is realizing that he can work from his motorhome several days a week if he wants to. More and more people are able to do it.)

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Both of us at work at 5:30 pm on a sunny Tampa afternoon

It has been a very pleasant day, working with the Airstream’s door open and the Fantastic Vents humming. It has been sunny, around 80 degrees, bug-free, with a light breeze all day. I feel so productive when things are quiet and beautiful like this. Offices depress me, so this is the way I want to work for as long as I can.

Now, with the working day done, we’re ready to go browse gadgets and then come back to Eleanor’s Indian food. Not bad!

One Response to “Working From the Dinette”

  1. leigh Says:

    I had no idea how young you guys are – when will our trailers meet?