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The best way to visit friends and family

A few days ago when were browsing around Colorado Springs I spotted an interesting looking restaurant called “The Edelweiss” (shouldn’t it be “Der Edelweiss”?). Tonight, Arthur and Allison proposed taking us there. They spent a few years in Germany and gained an appreciation for German food. Plus I could not recall ever having been to a German restaurant so it was worth going just to try.

The food was indeed good, and it was a nice way to wrap a nice week of visiting. Of course, I didn’t do much this week other than work on the dining room table, but Eleanor and Emma got to see a fair bit of Colorado Springs. There’s still more to check out, but we plan to be through here again next spring and hopefully I’ll be less busy with work.

Co Spgs carousel.jpg
Emma, Allison, and Hannah at the zoo

I think part of what made this week so pleasant is having the Airstream as our home base. Visiting people can be so stressful when you are under their roof. Their household rules apply, not yours. It’s easy to feel like an imposition, taking up a bedroom or the couch in the den, eating your host’s food, taking up space. With the Airstream we were free to come and go as we pleased, sleep in if we felt like it, have breakfast in our home, and generally stay out of the way. So at the end of a week of visiting, nobody felt tense from “too much togetherness”. I doubt we would have stayed a week otherwise.

Tomorrow we are heading up into the mountains. “Up” is relative, since we are already between 6000 and 7000 feet, but for the next two weeks we will be even higher, in the cooler air. This will be our last move west for a while…

One Response to “The best way to visit friends and family”

  1. Zach Woods Says:

    Rich –

    Deb and I also use our Sprinter Westfalia as our “we bring it with us” guest house for visiting friends and family!

    It works out great for all. And if we do start to stink like fish (some proverb states that both guests and fish stink after three days . . .) then at least we do it in our own space!

    Keep enjoying your Travels,
