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The Disney park experience is different for everyone. For us, it was a nice day of riding and munching, with short lines and exotic foods.

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After a few morning thrill rides, we wandered through the World Showcase sampling the treats available from each country, which run from $1.25 to $6.50 each (mostly $3). The little portions they serve at each food kiosk seem very small for the price, and I suppose they are, but after just a few we were all feeling full and thus the total expenditure was not bad. According to the express checkout invoice that appeared on our doorstep this morning, we spent about $78 for the day, to thoroughly stuff the three of us for lunch and dinner. By Disney standards, that’s a cheap day.

Today’s photos are by Brett.

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Emma participates in a ceremony at the American pavilion

We didn’t get back until 10 pm, completely exhausted except for Brett (who never stops), and so this morning things will go more slowly. Brett and Lori are heading to Universal for the day, and we are going to Haines City where we will courtesy-park at the home of our friends Wendimere (The Health Chic) and Bill, who we last saw in Aurora CO and Yellowstone.

Yesterday was a splurge day financially, but not a problem for our budget given the savings afforded us by traveling in the Airstream. It really is cheaper than staying home. Thanks to the generosity of our friends who offer courtesy parking, and a little effort to seek out campground bargains, we are well below the budget we lived on last year. I’m hoping to keep it that way for the remainder of the winter.

One Response to “EPCOT”

  1. Dirk Brinkman Says:

    I’ve heard widely varied comments about camping at Disney World. Any pictures? Apparently sites long enough for your 30′ unit. Any significant separation between sites or more parking lot style? TIA Happy Trails