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Scam: A blog reader reports

I heard from someone about our scammer:

we also got scammed by this velecia farmer person from hampton va. there are other names involved; fred johnson of freegate delivery in hampton va., janet collar – the original emailer, and bill crush – janets landlord. they also threatened us with contacting the fbi.

also to let you and your readers know we were using a web site called we were trying to sell a boat motor. we have reported this to numorous authorities and we are hoping something is going to be done. the scammers are still emailing us but we are not replying because that is what the attorney generals office suggested. if you have any ideas they are welcome.
thank you for your attention.

The only suggestion I can make is to either ignore the email scams, as the Attorney General’s office suggested, or waste the scammer’s time and money by accepting their check and then just throwing it away. If enough people did that, perhaps the scammers would be discouraged.

One Response to “Scam: A blog reader reports”

  1. Craig Newmark Says:

    I’m guessing you were hit by a Nigerian scammer. We’ve worked with cops on this, particularly the Secret Service, and they tell us it’ll be a long while before they can really handle this, since it’s in foreign jurisdiction.
