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Fort Morgan, AL

We got a nice break in the weather in the afternoon of Christmas Day, good enough to go out and walk the beach for a couple of hours.

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The long beaches of St George Island are great for shelling, walking, and talking. You can even ride your bike on the hard-packed sand near the water. It’s also good for drawing.

SGI sand drawing.jpg

Today we meandered about 200 miles west on Rt 98 out of Florida, to Fort Morgan AL, to meet our friends Vince and Lonnie and a group of their friends that they call the “Dixie Campers”. Fort Morgan is on a peninsula near Gulf Shores, almost like a barrier island, with white sand and pine trees. From our campsite on the bay we can see a line of offshore oil drilling rigs miles away, each lit up with orange sodium lights. Tomorrow I’ll take out the tripod and try to capture some sunset pictures over the water.

This evening Vince and Lonnie hosted dinner for everyone, which was of course delicious and fun. Apparently the Dixie Campers exist for one main reason: to eat. Since the food is terrific, we can deal with that. I put in a request for crawfish …

Our Google Earth location

Here’s a Sign of The Week, although it has been many weeks since I last posted one. Spotted in Apalachicola:

Apalachicola sign.jpg
“Most” aren’t endangered?
