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Concert in the park

With another full day of house work behind us, we were looking for something relaxing to do this evening. Our neighbor Carol must have read our minds, because she popped over late in the afternoon to invite us to join her at the park for a Saturday night concert. For a few weeks in the late spring the Arizona Symphonic Winds provide free open air concerts in Morris K Udall Park, and that seemed the perfect thing to do on a balmy Tucson evening.

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We stopped off at Nico’s for a few of their huge burritos to go. It’s hard to go far wrong with Mexican food in Tucson, and Nico’s excells at making dinner burritos for short money. With those, a Thermos of ice water, and a few cookies, we had an instant picnic.

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The concert venue is a grassy amphitheater surrounded by trees. With the warm breeze in the evening I could easily imagine us at a summer concert back in New England. Only the mountains and the lack of mosquitoes are different. We munched our burritos from folding chairs and watched the bats circle overhead while the orchestra played.

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Conductor László Veres

Tomorrow is our last day in Tucson. We’ve got a long punch list of things to complete on the house, but if we get an early start (before the heat builds) it should all get done. By tomorrow night, the Airstream will be packed and we’ll be ready to hitch up and go Monday morning. See you on the road!

One Response to “Concert in the park”

  1. Judy Says:

    Good luck, have a great trip.