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Plattsburgh, NY

Well, I braved the snow and drove up about 70 miles to Plattsburgh, NY to see Colin Hyde and the rest of the gang his shop. We got another couple of inches today, and it looked like Plattsburgh got 4-5 inches, because all of the Airstreams were covered in white.

Things are really hustling up there. In addition to my ’68 Caravel and my 63 Serro Scotty, which are currently in the parking lot awaiting their turn, I saw Rob Baker’s Sovereign of the Road (and man, is that in tough shape. Rob’s got a big project there); also Steve Hingtgen of Vintage Trailer Supply has an early 50’s something-or-other that basically needs everything; a 65 Caravel undergoing a very interesting interior modification complete with front leather couch; a unique 50s custom made for Henry Ford that has no windows on the sides (it was used for storing clothing!) owned by our friends the Geschwinders; two 60s trailers owned by our friend Gail Buck; a 34-foot Classic Limited with front body damage; and at least half a dozen others.

Colin was kind enough to give me a tour of several of the trailer projects, and we talked about next year’s magazine restoration project also. We have something very fun cooking! I hope to be able to announce it by February.

Tonight is our last night in Vermont. We took our hosts Guy and Katie out for dinner at a local place, The Black Sheep Bistro (fabulous dinner!) and now we are tying up loose ends of business online so we’ll be ready for tomorrow. It has been a great visit to Vermont. Eleanor saw all her friends, Emma saw her friends and grandparents and played in the snow, and I caught up with a few people too. I’m actually glad we came. Now I’m glad to go back “home” to our Airstream for the rest of the trip. We’ll land late Tuesday night, but I hope to start blogging again on Wednesday.
